Hello, and welcome to the November 2014 Newsletter. Another month has come & gone.
This month saw a personal milestone for me in that I turned 50. This was a quiet occasion, but one which I shared with family & close friends.
Our big event, Chrysler Expo on October 5th at Rothwell was another great success. I would like to thank the terrific team from our club that work tirelessly throughout the year to make the event happen. Another special mention must also go out to the members that give up their time over the Expo weekend to volunteer at the venue to ensure everything runs smoothly. We are always looking for helpers for setup, planning, and on the day, and any help would be appreciated. I thought that this year’s show was definitely one of the best we have had, and the changes to the layout on the oval worked really well.
We have some great runs planned in the future and also will be having our Christmas Party in December (See the Christmas Party info further on in this newsletter). Please remember that if you intend to come along to the Christmas Party, you need to respond & pay the refundable deposit. The event is fully careered.
Please see the “Forward look” or “Fluid drive” for more details on events & runs. Till Next month, Stay safe & have a great time.
Hello, and welcome to the October 2014 Newsletter.
For those that don’t know, my name is Mick Denman & I am happy to announce that I was elected President at the AGM on 18/09/2014.
I would like to thank the past committee for their hard work & dedication throughout the year, and also wish .....
Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to another monthly newsletter, it is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again.
This month September is the month for the AGM and it is the time to elect people that will carry out the tasks of the President, Secretary, Treasurer as well as the .....
Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to another monthly newsletter, it is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again.
Now I know that my love of the Chrysler Family of fine sheet metal goes back to the era of expensive fuel and the silent police man on the streets of Sydney, but the .....
Welcome Friends and Chrysler Enthusiasts to another monthly newsletter. It is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again.
I had a chat with some of the club members that showed up to the club meeting about an electrical problem that I had with the almighty phoenix and it was after .....
Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to another monthly newsletter, it is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again. I was asked again about the additions to the club rules regarding the three activities per year to maintain your membership as well your SIV rego at last month club .....