Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to another monthly newsletter, it is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again.
It all started just the other week when we were told that we could have the Chrysler EXPO on March 21st 2021, from there we started to get plans under way, we were waiting for the Rocklea Showgrounds to give us the Covid safe plan that was agreed to by the State Government so that we could plan our Chrysler EXPO in and around that plan.
Then it happened we have been told that we can only have 10 club members in the club room at a time due to the inconsiderate nature of some people bringing Covid-19 back in to the State so the rest of the state’s population has to be restricted in movements, lets hope that this does not stop the Chrysler EXPO going a head in March 2021.
It will however restrict the attendance to the club rooms for our Annual General Meeting that is due on the third Wednesday of Sept. We may have to postpone that date and hold the AGM on the next available day that we can get more to the club rooms hopefully.
Talking Chrysler EXPO, we are going to need as many as possible this year to help organise and promote and run Chrysler EXPO this time as we will only have a short time to get it organised. You will only need to do the bits that you can it will not be you can do more and more if you can only help with one part that helps out the club more than if people do not help at all.
The plan is to have Chrysler EXPO on 21st March 2021 then back to Sept 2020 as that is the end of the year that Chrysler EXPO has always been at, it will be strange for the people to be going to Chrysler EXPO so early in the year.
Our next run will be to the Hare and Hound (old English pub) we meet at the hyper dome by the Caltex Servo at 09:00am for a 09:30 depart it is on the 27th Sept 2020.
I believe Rose will be in Hospital getting ready to have her knee replaced on the day after, so I will miss out on a fantastic club run so I will need someone to put a story together for the Newsletter and some photos.
Back to the next Club Meeting - keep an eye on the Chrysler Owners Face Book page to see if we can have our AGM as that is over thee weeks way yet so here’s hoping.
So, let us get out there, support the club on the runs, and have the fun that we all planned to have when we started with the Club.