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Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to First President Message \ Report since the COVID-19 pandemic. The committee had a phone conference call and spoke about our next club meeting as well as the Chrysler EXPO. As we all know COVD-19 has put a stifle on the activities of Queenslander's travel and social life.

A lot of talk was had about how we would operate and keep the social distancing rules in an outdoor setting. Some discussion about the numbers at the gate volunteers working collecting names numbers of all that enter the show grounds for the transmission of Covid-19 if it was to show its ugly head again.

One of the positive things that came out of the phone conference was as we will be given a set number of attendees; we will know how much food to provide for and the guessing game will be a lot easier this year. It was also suggested that as this could be one of the first events in a long time we could be inundated with displays and spectators. But this is all speculation at the moment as we are still waiting for the powers to be giving the go ahead.

We also spoke about our next club run - it will be to a park so that we can meet and have more club members than if we had it in a building. The club room would only allow a small number of attendees but with a club run to a park we can have a BBQ and a club meeting at the same time.

For this to happen we would need numbers in advance so that we can feed everyone who turns up. If you do plan on attending the club run and it will be to a park so that we can have a meeting and a BBQ we need definite numbers please.

Now on my soap box. Did you see the cost of motion lotion they are buying it for less than ever and they put the price up how much of a rip off is that. With the USA in the NEWS a lot at the moment did you see the cost of their motion lotion $3.75c a gallon. We are paying $1.15c a litre.

Now back off my soap box - it will not be to long now before we can get back to what was normal but I do not think it will be the same as it was some six months ago.

As soon as we have a set date for the club run meeting it will be in the newsletter for all to see and once you see the date and it works for you, please let Bruce know so we can provide plenty of the food for all. In the first Club meeting on a club run.

So, support your club and join in on the activities.

Graham McLean
Chrysler Owners Club Qld Inc
Home Phone (07) 3203 2334
Mobile No 0414 809 498
Email:​This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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