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Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to another monthly newsletter, it is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again. It was good to see a new member rejoin.

This is the second for the year for the Chrysler Owners Club QLD Inc the run to the LAIDLEY PIONEER VILLAGE was a great success we had a great variety of Chrysler Family of Sheet Metal turn up it was great; we had a terrific tour guide and he was just a wealth of knowledge. We had a chap wander in a spent so much time admiring the Chrysler Family of Sheet Metal that I thought he was a member well captive reader he was an admirer of the fine sheet metal, and has been for a very long time the next Club meeting he turned up and became a member of our esteemed club. It turns out that this new member has been attending CHRYSLER EXPO since he was ten years old him and his dad are great Chrysler fans.

For those that are interested I have been tasked with the honour of planning one of the runs and it is to the Historical jail on Anerley road, if you are interested keep an eye out for the date and cost as I believe it may cost about $25 but I will stamp my feet to get a better deal but if that does not work well we could be u for the $25 but let’s wait and see shall we. 

We are planning a roster for the Chrysler EXPO this year as it is always the same people that do most of the work. What would be a great outcome is if you can just donate some of your day and not hours but a small amount of time and help out it would make it much fairer to all. 

We have had club members say yes, I will do from this time till that time and inn the day they do not turn up so the club member that started the day is stuck there all day and that is not fair. Chrysler EXPO is he club only fund raiser and we depend on that to keep he club afloat for the year. So please help out to keep our club viable. 

Well it is a short one this month but then again February is a short month. So, let us get out there, support the club on the runs, and have the fun that we all planned to have when we started with the Club.

Graham McLean
Chrysler Owners Club Qld Inc
Home Phone (07) 3203 2334
Mobile No 0414 809 498
Email:​This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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