Hi all, welcome to this month’s Presidents message. The Queensland winter has set in and thankfully we are seeing the brilliant blue sky days return, albeit a little cool at times. A great time of year to enjoy classic motoring.
Expo planning is moving along and soon we will be recruiting volunteers for the 2022 event. Our focus will be on the traditional duties including car park management, marshalling of vehicles and patrons, etc. We plan to offer shorter stints of duty for our volunteers so that we can all enjoy everything the Expo has to offer without being stuck at your post for too long on the day.
At our last club meeting we voted to hold the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on a Saturday with a free lunch provided for all attendees. This is a change from our normal Club Room AGM’s designed to attract better participation from our members. The event will be held as follows:-
2022 Annual General Meeting
Tanja’s Café
372 Main Road
Wellington Point
Saturday 24 th September from 11am
Please come along to select the upcoming year’s committee and to vote on a “special resolution” to make alterations to our constitution. The changes are primarily updating “types of Membership” and how payments are made (electronically rather than by cheque). The altered constitution will be available to all members to review and comment on. Printed copies will be available at our August club meeting or you can request an electronic copy by contacting our Secretary.
We will also include Proxy Forms on our website for those who wish to vote on the special resolution but can’t attend the AGM. Anyone wishing to nominate for a committee position can complete a Nomination Form and send it to our Secretary. Committee positions to be voted on are as follows:-
Management Committee roles:-
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Show Officer, Public Relations Officer, Chief Steward, and Social committee members (2 of).
General Committee positions:
Assistant Secretary, Dating Officer, Newsletter Editor, Membership Officer, Library Officer, and Run Coordinator.
Have a great month, enjoy your vehicles and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Greg Holburt
COCQ President